Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Child psychology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Youngster brain research - Essay Example During the youth of Jennie Hawthorne, there were no any takeaway dinners or solidified suppers, and there are still no PCs and no coolers and this is far unique in relation to the basic condition of kids. The life of Jennie Hawthorne in Bethnal Green is brimming with battles, from her own family, condition, and herself; in any case, these elements impacted and changes her life. Hundred of studies previously recorded the relationship among destitution and youngsters' wellbeing, accomplishment, and conduct. There is a watched connection among's destitution and kid results, and it affects youngster and immature prosperity. The salary of a family gives off an impression of being firmly identified with the youngsters' capacity and accomplishment than to their enthusiastic results. In the life of Jennie Hawthorne, she experienced childhood in a family that brimming with battles throughout everyday life and destitution, she even needs to stop from school and go working. An amazing majority, she had diseases and it influences her youth life. Their people group is loaded with violations, she despite everything recalls everything that she saw. Youngsters who lived and experienced destitution have lower paces of school culmination. Jennie Hawthorne experienced lacking sustenance and less learning encounters, insecurity of home, presented to ecological poisons, family brutality, and perilous roads. The East end consistently means assorted variety in culture, there are in every case new outsiders showing up and there is ethnic blend of the twenties. These assorted varieties can be seen through the names and faces of the individuals, some of them are from Lithuania, Russia, Poland, and Italy and they joined the Irish who showed up in the spot during the center of the nineteenth century. The Irish who attempted to escape from the starvation in Ireland and individuals never had an English name. Everything about the spot was still in the brain of Jennie, she despite everything remembers during when there were still no any transports or prepares and it appears that the entire road was their play area. Jennie still recollects the b oats that were stuffed at London's extraordinary waterway and for the individuals they thought about France as a fantasy. Jennie still recalls every one of her recollections in Bethnal Green, as her folks are battling, and she recalls who she imagined to go past the East End of her youth that her examination and work take her to bizarre spots. The review about the spot, shows how the youthful Jennie Crawley occupied a little and cheerful world in the East End. There is greenery in Victoria Park and it appears that everything was at that point there in the spot. Neediness altogether influence the youngster improvement. The financial status has relationship with the youngster wellbeing and it is seen in most industrialized nations. This is seen in the event of destitution particularly by absence of material assets. Destitution is anything but a static condition, and there can be numerous passages and ways out for this circumstance. Jennie Hawthorne P 3 mortality and bleakness, and destitution additionally influences the youngster wellbeing as it risks their future grown-up wellbeing. A large portion of the grown-up interminable medical issues like cardiovascular ailments are started from the pregnancy and during the primary long stretches of their life. The status of destitution is connected to poor youngster improvement and they are probably going to have issues in finishing school and they have low scores in

Saturday, August 22, 2020

A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man :: Portrait Artist Young Man

A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man  The brain meanders, now and again, through numerous parades of thought. When toward the start of this content, A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man by James Joyce, I thought that it was hard to follow youthful Stephen's wandering contemplations with any similarity to perception until I wrapped up the novel. I at that point started to examine the novel and Joyce and understood the essentialness of these apparently arbitrary musings. These are the considerations of a maturing craftsman in earliest stages.  As Stephen developed, so did his contemplations. His battle with self is vital to understanding the novel. With no sign of some other individual's contemplations, Stephen's considerations incite our own to fill in where Joyce left the account clear. His battle with self arrangements with religion, sin, sexuality, and reasonability. Mental fortitude might be added to this rundown, however to a lesser degree. Stephen feels it is adequate to cover up and keep quiet more than to remain on a soapbox and state what he thinks to a group.  Huge numbers of his characteristics are found out reactions from before dealings with classmates and family. In Chapter 1, line 30, Stephen shrouds when he is in a tough situation for something obscure to the peruser. He shrouds his feelings on lines 81 and 82 of part 1 when his mom is crying as she leaves him at school. He endeavors to conceal his disgrace, on lines 259-265 in a similar part, at not realizing the right answer between kissing his mom or not doing as such.  These educated reactions of protection are to some degree, yet not totally overlooked when his considerations start to develop and he shapes his own way of thinking of what is wonderful through the investigation of others (Chapter 5, Lines 1161-1469). He talks straightforwardly, to Lynch in any event, about what excellence is and what craftsmanship is. Afterward, additionally in Chapter 5, he talks straightforwardly to Cranly about religion and his absence of conviction in that. He accepts that Cranly is companion enough not to tell others that Stephen is, the thing that may have been thought of, a blasphemer.

Monday, August 17, 2020

Welcome to Maseeh!

Welcome to Maseeh! As you may or may not know, Im a Maseehdonian (aka I live in the new castle, Maseeh). Since its the newest dorm on campus, I dont really think the world knows much about Maseeh, so Im going to give an e-tour! Yep. Maseehs pretty right? Aside from the amazing facilities, what are some reasons why I love Maseeh? 1. Location, Location, Location Since its started SNOWING already in November (what is this?!?), its extremely convenient that I literally just have to cross the street to get to class. 2. Communication Communication at Maseeh is easy. We have corkboards on every floor so clubs can advertise about events and new opportunities. We also have white boards EVERYWHERE. Each dorm room has their own small whiteboard under their room number, and each hall in Maseeh has 2 large whiteboards. You can often find people using the white boards to pset (work on problem sets) which shows that the white boards really help people communicate and share here! 3. People Yes, I know I say this so much that its starting to get cliche, but I love the people here! I definitely feel that Maseehdonians are extremely friendly and open to meeting new people since were a new dorm. The culture at Maseeh is also unique. Each dorm at MIT has a distinct culture and feel (which is why MIT allows the students to pick the dorm where they would like to live). But since the upperclassmen are from different dorms on campus, we have a culture that is a blend of the other dorms cultures here. The diversity is definitely why I love living here! And that concludes our short tour of Maseeh. Hope youve enjoyed it! Post Tagged #Maseeh Hall

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Supply Chain Management For ASOS Free Essay Example, 2750 words

It is very important that the marketing and logistics sectors work closely together to accomplish the company global supply chain strategic focus. The decision-making in ASOS Company has been not been harmonized through objective analysis. Because of the lack of designing a competitive supply chain has resulted in a less attractive product to the consumer. Since ASOS deals with fashion which is primarily a trending aspect that moves so fast with technology, the company is suffering because it did not put its foot on the ground in providing up-to-date analysis on the market of the cloth line product and understanding customer taste and preferences. Unrelated Trade-off ElementsThe marketing department at ASOS online is often faced with a distant supply source with less sophisticated supply chain and a distant market involving extended lead times longer supply chain times that lead to overall higher costs of supply and production. Dealing with this problem has become more difficult si nce ASOS Company has not embraced the management of the mobile asset that is the global supply chain. Trade-offs can be extended to a range of scenarios and the decision-making must be based on priorities, technology, cost, quality, and design. We will write a custom essay sample on Supply Chain Management For ASOS or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/page Not only change in the business environment drivers of the rise in outsourcing as a business strategy, but also new management concepts such as business process re-engineering, organizational restructuring, benchmarking, and lean management have stimulated the trend.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

My Industrial Placement Year At Xerox - 1177 Words

During my industrial placement year at Xerox, I have come to realize a lot about myself. I came to Xerox, already knowing that I wanted a career in Finance; I had taken numerous Finance courses and thought I knew exactly what I was headed for. Over the span of 53 weeks, I came to realize that it is much harder to put the theories I have learned into practice. Nevertheless, working in the commercial finance department at Xerox has taught me so much, and gave me the opportunity to improve my transferable skills and develop as an individual. The role has me working alongside the European Commercial and Bids Pricing (CBP) team in identifying trends on the pricing behaviour in certain product segments and market condition across Europe. The report is heavily based on Microsoft Excel and will be key for the country pricing managers across Europe to benchmark their decisions. Also, I am responsible for developing the pricing library and maintaining the website for European commercial and Bids pricing. On top of this, I am involved in a number of ad hoc projects to support various activities within the European (CBP), such as supporting the pricing set up of new product launch analysis on specific pricing challenges. First month in my placement as commercial price analyst was critical for me, because majority of students in placement have at least two week hand over period working and learning alongside the current industrial placement student. As for me, I had no hand overShow MoreRelatedWorking With The Current Industrial Placement Student1514 Words   |  7 PagesMonth 1: The Role Majority of students in placement have at least two week hand over period working and learning alongside the current industrial placement student. As for me, I had no hand over period nor did I had any induction or training to kick start my placement year. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Midwest Solvent Recovery Fire Environmental Sciences Essay Free Essays

string(70) " beginning to beginning within a state depending on national demands\." In the instance of the United States v. Midwest Solvent Recovery, I believe that the the suspect ( Midwest Solvent Recovery, Inc. ) was negligent in the operation of the installations and that the two sites became a public nuisance. We will write a custom essay sample on The Midwest Solvent Recovery Fire Environmental Sciences Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now First of all, in the class of runing its concern, Midwest Solvent placed a big figure of membranophones on belongingss next to the Midco # 1 site without the permission or presentment of the belongingss ‘ proprietors. It was besides a residential country. In add-on, the country # 1 was n’t guarded and they was n’t fenced-in, intending that they did non make much to forestall accidents. The membranophones incorporating risky stuff were besides non stored or disposed suitably ( Weinberg, 2006 ) . This is negligent of the suspect because they were neglecting to exert the attention expected of a reasonably prudent individual in such fortunes ( Cornell University Law School, 2011 ) . Then fire of enormous size broke out on Midco # 1 and in the class of the wining hebdomad ravaged the site. The fire consumed much of the chemical waste stuffs stored in the 1000s of membranophones stacked on the land and on each other. The fire caused the coevals of toxic exhausts and caused a big figure of the 55-gallon membranophones to rocket up to 250 pess in the air ( Weinberg, 2006 ) . Besides, the toxicant waste penetrated through top dirt, possibly even making H2O tabular arraies. I believe this is a nuisance because it was something unauthorised that became deleterious to the community at big ( Adams, 2006 ) . An injunction to forestall pollution prevents a threatened hurt, preserves the position quo, or restrains the continued committee of an on-going incorrect but can non be used to right a consummated wrong or to undo that which has already been done. On the other manus, an injunction that requires remotion of pollution attempts do undo what has already been done. If we evaluate the cost-benefit analysis, it would do more sense to hold a preventive attack as it is less dearly-won and frequently less work/trouble/complicated than to take pollution that is already in the air, H2O, and/or dirt ( Mayer, 2007 ) . Besides, in public wellness our end is to forestall diseases because if we merely took action after everyone had diseases, it may be excessively late for some ( no hope of acquiring better ) . As it is best described â€Å" an ounce of bar is worth a lb of remedy † . This is the same rule with the environment. If we do non forestall pollution, so it could make threshold and our wellness could endure. Although there may be ways to take some beginnings of taint, non all taint from the air, dirt, and H2O is possible. It may besides be excessively late to recover what we one time had. This is why we are seeking to take action on planetary heating effects today before it does excessively much harm to our environment, therefore our wellness ( Mayer, 2007 ) . The general responsibility clause of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration ( OSHA ) has criterions that require employers to take control steps for the dangers of specific jeopardies or operations ( e.g. electricity and confined infinite work ) . However, the authorization who created and wrote the OSHA Torahs understood that it would be impossible to anticipate and make a criterion for every jeopardy in the workplace. Therefore, they added a subdivision to the jurisprudence necessitating employers to protect against other foreseeable jeopardies non covered by a specific OSHA criterion. This is what they call the aa‚ ¬Aâ€Å"General Dutyaa‚ ¬A? clause ( McGuire, 2004 ) . For a jeopardy to be covered by the general responsibility clause it must be recognized. Over the old ages, OSHA has issued reading letters bespeaking specific jeopardies that could be considered recognized, including most notably ergonomic hazards, heat and cold emphasis and workplace force ( Demby, 2009 ) . As earlier, OSHA will find whether a peculiar jeopardy is recognized on a individual footing. But the new Field Operations Manual clarifies the standard OSHA will utilize to measure acknowledgment of jeopardies. More significantly, the standards themselves are highly wide and will do it much easier for OSHA to happen that a jeopardy was recognized ( Demby, 2009 ) . A material safety informations sheet ( MSDS ) is a signifier with informations sing the belongingss of a peculiar substance. It provide workers and exigency forces with processs for managing or working with that substance in a safe mode, and includes information such as physical informations ( brassy point, runing point, boiling point, etc. ) , toxicity, wellness effects, foremost assistance, responsiveness, storage, disposal, protective equipment, and spill-handling processs. MSDS formats can change from beginning to beginning within a state depending on national demands. You read "The Midwest Solvent Recovery Fire Environmental Sciences Essay" in category "Essay examples" The MSDS besides provide instructions on proper substance usage, therefore supplying utile hazard communicating and ways to assist forestall workplace hurts ( U.S. Department of Labor, 2010 ) . Because of the earnestness of these safety and wellness jobs, and because many employers and employees know small or nil about them, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration ( OSHA ) issued the Hazard Communication Standard. The basic end of the criterion is to be certain employers and employees know about work jeopardies and how to protect themselves ; this should assist to cut down the incidence of chemical beginning unwellness and hurts. The Hazard Communication Standard establishes unvarying demands to do certain that the jeopardies of all chemicals imported into, produced, or used in U.S. workplaces are evaluated, and that this jeopardy information is transmitted to affected employers and exposed employees via MSDS ( U.S. Department of Labor, 1998 ) . A material safety informations sheet ( MSDS ) is a signifier with informations sing the belongingss of a peculiar substance. It provide workers and exigency forces with processs for managing or working with that substance in a safe mode, and includes information such as physical informations ( brassy point, runing point, boiling point, etc. ) , toxicity, wellness effects, foremost assistance, responsiveness, storage, disposal, protective equipment, and spill-handling processs. MSDS formats can change from beginning to beginning within a state depending on national demands. The MSDS besides provide instructions on proper substance usage, therefore supplying utile hazard communicating and ways to assist forestall workplace hurts ( U.S. Department of Labor, 2010 ) . Because of the earnestness of these safety and wellness jobs, and because many employers and employees know small or nil about them, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration ( OSHA ) issued the Hazard Communication Standard. The basic end of the criterion is to be certain employers and employees know about work jeopardies and how to protect themselves ; this should assist to cut down the incidence of chemical beginning unwellness and hurts. The Hazard Communication Standard establishes unvarying demands to do certain that the jeopardies of all chemicals imported into, produced, or used in U.S. workplaces are evaluated, and that this jeopardy information is transmitted to affected employers and exposed employees via MSDS ( U.S. Department of Labor, 1998 ) . Despite the name, the Superfund trust fund lacks sufficient financess to clean up even a little figure of the sites on the National Priorities List ( NPL ) . As a consequence, the authorities will typically order potentially responsible party ( PRPs ) to clean up the site themselves. If a party fails to follow with such an order, it may be fined up to $ 25,000 for each twenty-four hours that non-compliance continues. A party that spends money to clean up a site may action certain other PRPs under the CERCLA. A related proviso allows a party that has reimbursed another party ‘s response costs to seek part from other PRPs, during or after the original case. An â€Å" orphan portion † is the portion of waste at a Superfund site that can non be collected because the PRP is either unidentifiable or insolvent ( Weinberg, 2006 ) . Although the reply to this hebdomad ‘s treatment inquiry can convey up controversial argument, I believe that it ‘s just that the exercising of due attention is non considered a defence in Superfund. If person by chance contaminates an country with risky waste, it should be their duty to clean-up their muss, whether or non care was taken to forestall this accident. By making so, it teaches people that they need to take duty for their actions and should guarantee that preventive steps are taken to guarantee to no accidents occur in the first topographic point. It ‘s the same rule as having a Canis familiaris. The Canis familiaris may be fenced-in the backyard, but if that Canis familiaris someway digs a hole under the fencing and does damage to the neighbour ‘s pace, it ‘s still the proprietor ‘s duty to take attention of that Canis familiaris and to repair what the Canis familiaris damaged ( apt ) , despite that steps were put into topographic poin t to forestall this. In add-on, the costs associated with the killing of risky stuffs should non come out of guiltless taxpayers ‘ pockets because finally, they are n’t the 1s managing the risky waste and have n’t do the accident. The 1s that are responsible should pay the monetary value for their errors ( Weinberg, 2006 ) . Sick edifice causes are often pinned down to blemish in the warming, airing, and air conditioning ( HVAC ) systems. Other causes have been attributed to contaminations produced by outgassing of some types of edifice stuffs, volatile organic compounds ( VOC ) , casts, improper fumes airing of ozone ( by-product of some office machinery ) , light industrial chemicals used within, or deficiency of equal fresh-air intake/air filtration ( Sick Building Syndrome and indoor clime control, n.d. ) . Some edifice proprietors view ill edifice syndrome as the fact that many people feel better when they are non at work. However, if more than 20 % of edifice residents complain of symptoms such as centripetal annoyance of the eyes, nose, pharynx ; neurotoxic or general wellness jobs ; clamber annoyance ; nonspecific hypersensitivity reactions ; and olfactory property and gustatory sensation esthesiss, it is considered as Sick Building Syndrome ( SBS ) ( Lawrence, 2002 ) . Several ill residents may describe person symptoms which do non look to be connected. The key to find is the increased incidence of unwellnesss in general with oncoming or aggravation within a reasonably close clip frame, normally within a period of hebdomads. In most instances, SBS symptoms will be relieved shortly after the residents leave the peculiar room or zone. However, there can be lingering effects of assorted neurolysins, which may non unclutter up when the resident leaves the edifice. Particularly in sensi tive persons there can be long-run wellness effects ( EPA, 2011 ) . The ordinances by OSHA are intended to turn to indoor air quality in indoor work environments and besides try to command environmental baccy fume. The ordinances are of peculiar involvement because they are directed at landlords and renters likewise. Specifically, an employer is defined under the ordinance to include edifice proprietors and leaseholders who control airing or care of premises where employees of other employers work. In cases where there are multiple employers/lessees within a individual edifice, the ordinances contemplate a sharing of duty. OSHA specifically states in its remarks on the proposed ordinances that â€Å" where there is a multi-employer work site, [ it is contemplated ] that the affected employers will split up the duties in the mode in which they make the most sense † ( EPA, 2011 ) There are more than 100,000 known species of cast, some of which can do respiratory jobs, skin/nose/throat annoyance, sinus congestion, chronic weariness, and oculus annoyance to call a few. Many place and workplace related complaints are now being attributed entirely or in portion to model. The dangers are potentially fatal to babies and persons with weak immune systems ( EPA, 2010 ) . Mold is most likely to turn where there is H2O or moistness. Preventing mold taint before it starts is best because the undertaking of decontamination could be overpowering. The four primary activities to assist forestall the spread of cast toxins are: 1. Excess wet decrease 2. Dust control 3. Ventilation and control of toxins 4. Education ( Lawrence, 2002 ) In general the EPA does non urge trying unless an resident of the infinite is diagnostic. When sampling is necessary it should be performed by a trained professional who has specific experience in planing mold-sampling protocols, trying methods, and the reading of findings. The most common signifier of trying to measure the degree of cast. Sampling of the interior and out-of-door air is conducted and the consequences to the degree of cast spores inside the premises and exterior are compared. Often, air trying will supply positive designation of the being of non-visible cast ( EPA, 2010 ) . Of class the first measure in work outing an indoor cast job is halting the beginning of wet. Next is to take the mold growing. Common remedies for little happenings of mold include: * Sunlight * Ventilation * Non-porous edifice stuffs * Household cleansing agents ( EPA, 2011 ) As a general regulation, merely killing the cast with a biocide is non plenty. The cast must be removed since the chemicals and proteins, which cause a reaction in worlds, are still present even in dead cast ( Maine Indoor Air Quality Council, 2010 ) . I believe that the proposed indoor air criterion was ne’er put into consequence because since the proposal was issued, many provinces and local authoritiess and private employers have taken action to restrict smoke in public countries and in workplaces. In add-on, the part of the proposal non related to environmental baccy smoke received small attending during the rulemaking proceedings, and much of that consisted of commenters naming into inquiry important parts of the proposal. As a consequence, record grounds back uping the non-environmental baccy smoke part of the proposal is thin ( EPA, 2011 ) . In peculiar a licence may be issued by governments, to let or restrict an activity that would otherwise be forbidden. It may necessitate paying a fee and/or turn outing a capableness. The demand may besides function to maintain the governments informed on a type of activity, and to give them the chance to put conditions and restrictions ( Burton and Sanjour, 1970 ) . Emissions trading is an attack used to command pollution by supplying economic inducements for accomplishing decreases in the emanations of pollutants. The overall end of an emanations trading program is to minimise the cost of run intoing a set emanations mark. The cap is an enforceable bound on emanations that is normally lowered over clip, taking towards a national emanations decrease mark. In other systems a part of all traded credits must be retired, doing a net decrease in emanations each clip a trade occurs. In many cap-and-trade systems, organisations which do non foul may besides take part, therefore environmental groups can buy and retire allowances or credits and therefore drive up the monetary value of the balance harmonizing to the jurisprudence of demand ( Environment, Climate Change A ; Water, 2011 ) . A cardinal authorization ( normally a governmental organic structure ) sets a bound or cap on the sum of a pollutant that can be emitted. The bound or cap is allocated or sold to houses in the signifier of emanations licenses which represent the right to breathe or dispatch a specific volume of the specified pollutant. Firms are required to keep a figure of licenses ( or carbon credits ) equivalent to their emanations. The entire figure of licenses can non transcend the cap, restricting entire emanations to that degree. Firms that need to increase their emanation permits must purchase licenses from those who require fewer licenses. The transportation of licenses is referred to as a trade ( EPA, 2003 ) . In consequence, the purchaser is paying a charge for fouling, while the marketer is being rewarded for holding reduced emanations. Therefore, in theory, those who can cut down emanations most cheaply will make so, accomplishing the pollution decrease at the lowest cost to society ( En vironment, Climate Change A ; Water, 2011 ) . How to cite The Midwest Solvent Recovery Fire Environmental Sciences Essay, Essay examples

Monday, May 4, 2020

Essential Skills for Leadership Effectivenessâ€Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: What Are The Essential Skills For Leadership Effectiveness? Answer: Introducation Chuang, S. F. (2013). Essential skills for leadership effectiveness in diverse workplace development.Online Journal of Workforce Education and Development,6(1), Leaders are expected to manifest in developing their global mindset to adjust to the new trends in regard to exercising effective leadership skills. Below are essential leadership qualities that every manager is expected to deploy: A leader should develop self-awareness in order to achieve the set goals of an organization. When a leader does self-assessment, he gets to understand the importance of building a better relationship with his team, the leader gets to understand human behavior and why different people react differently while in the workplace, at the same time studying the behavior patterns of the team. Equally, leaders understand how others are different from the leader hence they better understand the cross-cultural issues and appreciate the differences that consequently enabling coordination in the workplace from people of different ethnic backgrounds. As well, the leaders get stock of their personal limitations by identifying their strengths and weaknesses and work accordingly in the area of weakness. Also, effective leaders have a sharp perception and a big picture of understanding their colleagues. This is enhanced by maintaining respect and proper communication. The manager gets to understand other people more at the same time understanding how other people perceive him. A manager should be available to respond to people`s needs. Finally, effective leaders understand their organization and the work environment at large. A leader is expected to lead by example, observing the rules and regulations, communicating the objectives of the organization as well as gearing the organization towards achieving its mission and vision. They also know how to make all participants active in their teams. Drenth, J. C. (2009).The ingredients for a committed workforce(Master's thesis, University of Twente). The author has identified one of the distinct characteristic of a committed workforce includes members who are passionate about what they do to the company and always like giving their best in terms of performance and dedication to the company`s activities. Employees who use their passion to do the task are more productive as compared to those who are pushed or waiting for instructions before they do the task. Also, a strong communication skill is a pillar that defines a committed workforce. In fact, communication is the bottom line of everything in the organization and without it, everything might be static. Activities like marketing, public relation, and sales team depend on the ability of the employee to communicate eloquently. Therefore, a committed workforce should never miss these characteristics. Also, a committed workforce should be creative, goal oriented, and adaptable to changes whenever the need arise. A goal oriented team knows what to achieve and the deadline and how to do it. Creativity is necessary for business growth by adding value to what the company offers to the public. Finally, the workforce should be able to switch to new environments without causing much trouble. Ceylan, C., Dul, J., Aytac, S. (2008). Can the office environment stimulate a manager's creativity?.Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing Service Industries,18(6), 589-602. Creativity is stimulated by introducing playtime in an organization maybe during lunch break. Offering a room where employee meet for a game like pool and other brainstorming games is a quick way of relaxing the mind of employees. As a result, employees are likely to stimulate their thinking because their minds are relaxed. A company like Google has introduced this and has brought a positive change. Promoting teamwork and group interaction is another sure way of stimulating creativity. Knowledge can be shared when people hold conversations in either formal or informal manner hence enhancing creativity. Also, interaction during interdepartmental meetings naturally stimulates creativity and learning. A department can offer a solution to another department once they hold meetings, therefore, solutions are easily generated. References Ceylan, C., Dul, J., Aytac, S. (2008). Can the office environment stimulate a manager's creativity?.Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing Service Industries,18(6), 589-602. Chuang, S. F. (2013). Essential skills for leadership effectiveness in diverse workplace development.Online Journal of Workforce Education and Development,6(1), 5. Drenth, J. C. (2009).The ingredients for a committed workforce(Master's thesis, University of Twente).

Saturday, March 7, 2020

RU486 essays

RU486 essays The article I chose is about the anti-progesterone RU-486 (mifepristone). I chose this article for a few reasons. I was interested in the article's content, and although the article appeared to be straight forward there were many hidden messages. Before this article I knew nothing about RU-486. I would have read this article and probably passed right over the messages that makes the article negative about this drug for moral reasons instead of scientific ones. The article appears to be a straight forward article explaining what Ru-486 is, what it does, and that it is very bad. Once I did some research myself I began to see that this article is bias and that it is packed with hidden messages I would normally take for truth. This paper was written by a pro-lifer directed towards people, probably women looking for information on the new drug. I believe that it is written by a pro-lifer because there are all kinds of hidden clues. For instance, the article begins with explaining what RU-486 stand for. The author explains that the pill is named after the manufacturer who is owned by a corporation that spun off from the I.G. chemical firm. The firm that supplied Hitler with the Zyklon B gas used to kill Jews and Christians in the Third Reich death camps. Also, the author once refers to a fetus as "little one, baby." Referring to a fetus as a "little one" means that he assumes there is more to the fetus than biological life and than is not going to present this information objectively. When the author gives the citations they are from the American Life League and a book called "Misconceptions, myths, and morals." The information presented in this article is all negative. The author begins the article explaining how RU-486 is somehow correlated with killing Jews and Christians. The author asks if RU-486 is safe. This question is answered ...

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Trends in Health Information system Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Trends in Health Information system - Essay Example Handwritten notes and manual entries cannot ensure healthcare quality. By digitizing healthcare especially the records of patients, and automating the back office management operations, a foundation for efficient patient care as well as economic savings in future can be laid down. Innovations like multimedia collaboration tools, VoIP and wireless services would grant the medical staff access to patient records and use communication tools from anywhere. By installing an intelligent wireless broadband network of technologies like WiMAX, WiFi, HSDPA, etc real time video communications can also be supported (Turisco and Case, 2001). Once information is digitized, then through a collaborated environment of mobile health computing devices (MHCDs) and wireless internet technology, the information can be recorded into EHR, accessed or transmitted from anywhere within the health care institution or beyond owing to wireless services (Waegemann & Tessier, 2002). Moses Cone Hospital near Greensb oro and WakeMed in Raleigh has installed wireless connectivity and are satisfied with the effective improvement in quality of patient care it has brought with it (‘Nine Tech Trends’, 2005). National interconnectivity allows for maintaining community health services in association with various health centers, providing facilities beyond premises of the hospital.

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Twinearth Thought Experiment Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Twinearth Thought Experiment - Term Paper Example Productivity never implies regularity and prosperity is at least as indistinct as productivity1. The conventional policy that states that the idea of meaning owns the extension or intension of ambiguity with definite normal effects has been tackled. The most conventional philosophers believed that the ideas as something psychological. Therefore, the doctrine that the explanation of a word implying the intellect of intention is that a concept was tagged along with the insinuation that meanings are psychological entities. Nevertheless, getting these nonconcrete individuals was still a personal mental act. None of these theorists distrusted that understanding a term knowing its intention. Taking mental state to be explanation of would hardly have the effect that the theorists would stop from being perceived by the community2. As a result, the twin earth thought experiment was carried out as a study that every word associated with the psychological states of two individuals with resembli ng specific list of attributes. It indicates that the mental state does not determine the extension of a word. The issue that this experiment is meant to resolve the idea of definitions of English words is the idea of implications of English words. This experiment presumes that somewhere in the universe there is a planet identical to earth known as Twin Earth. The idea behind this study with the aim of yielding of similar findings to the assumptions of previous philosophers will be tried out in the following report. II. Introduction The experiment outlined a timeworn example of two phrases â€Å"creature with a kidney† and a â€Å"creature with a heart† does indicate that two words could have the same extension lead and yet vary in intention. Nevertheless, it was perceived to be apparent that the reverse is unlikely: two words cannot vary in extension and have a similar intension. Interestingly, no argument for this unfeasibility was ever provided. Perhaps it mirrors t he culture of the ancient and medieval theorists who presumed that the idea matching to a word was simply a joint of establishment3. Therefore, that the idea matching a word is supposed to consistently give an essential and adequate condition for falling into the extension of the word is supportive. The optimistic theorists were perfectly happy to sustain the conventional view on this point. Therefore, the definition came to rest in two unconfined presumptions: Realizing that the word is a simple matter of being in a definite matter in a definite mental state, in the sense of mental state that states of retention and mental dispositions are mental states. The description of a word in the sense of intension determines its extension in the sense that sameness of intension entails similarity of extension4. The following report shall mainly argue the two presumptions not jointly contented by whichever idea. The conventional concept of meaning is an idea which rests on a false assumption . III. The Mental state and technical solipsism The repot clarified the conventional idea of a mental state. In a single sense, a state is just a two-place predicate whose arguments are discrete and a period. Scientifically, it is normal to constraint the word state to assets that are described in terms of the limits of the person. They are usually fundamental from the perspective of the provided science. Therefore, being five feet tall in this case is a state from the physics perspective5. Being in

Monday, January 27, 2020

Automatic Flight Control Systems Engineering Essay

Automatic Flight Control Systems Engineering Essay We live in a world where technology is, if not being improved, developed by the second. Everyday new improvements, inventions and discoveries are made. One industry that is always on the lead when it comes to new inventions and innovations is the Aviation Industry. Over the years, aircrafts have been facing major improvements on the structure, fuel efficiency, life-span, range of flight. But one of the best improvements that have been done on every aircraft (commercial) that had the biggest impact in the Aviation Industry and most probably the main reason why the industry has been booming up is the improvements done in the Avionics section, specifically the Automatic Flight Controls. In the beginning, Pilots were trained to fly the aircrafts alone. But after several years, it is now the pilots programming the computer, telling it where to fly, at what altitude, etc. This computer is the AFCS (Automatic Flight Control System). In todays modern world of flying, it is the AFCS who is technically flying the aircraft, from cruising to landing, and for some until parking. The AFCS has a lot of advantages when compared to human pilots when it comes to flying. Here are some of them: The AFCS has the ability to overcome deficiencies when it comes to stability and control. The AFCS improved the handling qualities. Such as, when the airspeed or the altitude of the aircraft needs to be constant. The AFCS is more accurate and hence is able to carry out several tasks that the pilot is not able to do. * Source: Emirates Aviation Colleges Automatic Flight Control Systems Book (Chapter 3.1.3) To get a better understanding of the AFCS, the different parts of it will be discussed, such as the Autopilot System, Flight Director System, Auto Throttle System and etc. The information about the AFCS will be based on one of Boeings classic aircrafts, the 737-500. FLIGHT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (FMS) The Flight Management System is navigation, combined flight control, a Built-In Test Equipment (BITE) and a guidance system. The FMS provides control and operation of five independent subsystems to provide lateral navigation (LNAV) and vertical navigation (VNAV) for performance management and optimum flight profiles. The Flight Management System is not labeled to any control panel or any single component as it is an integration of five independent subsystems. These subsystems are: Digital Flight Control System (DFCS) Inertial Reference System (IRS) Autothrottle Electronic Flight Instrument System (EFIS) Flight Management Computer System (FMCS) * Source: United Airlines Boeing 737-322/522 (page 6, Chapter 22-2, Oct 99) from Emirates Aviation College Library This system was designed to increase fuel efficiency, safety and decrease workload. For both pilots, this means that they can select full FMS operation or Autopilot Flight Director System (AFDS) for a complete automatic flight. They can even use the Control Display Units (CDU) to provide, for manual flight, reference information. Management and operation is totally under the control of the flight crew. There are only certain operations that can only be implemented by the flight crew. They are: landing rollout steering, thrust reversal, speed brake operation, altitude selection, landing gear and flap operation, instrument landing system (ILS) tuning, thrust initiation, brake release, airplane rotation and steering during takeoff roll. * Source: United Airlines Boeing 737-322/522 (page 6, Chapter 22-2, Oct 99) from Emirates Aviation College Library FMS BUILT-IN TEST EQUIPMENT (BITE) Ground test capabilities and self-contained in-flight monitoring are provided for the FMS subsystems. The flight management computer (FMC) coordinates the BITE testing of the five subsystems and must be functional for access to any subsystems built-in test equipment. BITE for the FMS subsystems is accessed from both CDUs located in the cockpit. Each FMS subsystems run its own systems test. Included in the tests are for its computers, sensor inputs and several interfaces. Any fault findings during flight are automatically stored for analysis on the ground which is accessed through the bite system. * Source: United Airlines Boeing 737-322/522 (page 8, Chapter 22-4, Oct 99) from Emirates Aviation College Library THE BOEING 737-500 CATEGORY *3 General AFCS Category Capability Chart *4 Boeing 737-500 AFCS Category Capability Chart The Boeing 737-500, according to the diagram is in Category 3B. In order for this aircraft to operate at Cat3B weather minimums, the equipment that must be available in Cat2 should be functional. These equipment are: Both Flight Directors One Autopilot in CMD Both Air Data Systems (ADS) Both windshield wipers Two generators Both EFIS systems displaying: Radio Altitude Glideslope and Localizer Deviation Attitude Autopilot Status Engaged Pitch and Roll Modes Decision Height Both Radio Altimeter Systems Both ILS Marker Beacon Both IRS Now for the aircraft to operate in Cat3B all the equipment listed for Cat2 must be fully operational, provided that the equipment as follows is included: The Autothrottle Both Autopilots Both Hydraulic Systems * Source: United Airlines Boeing 737-322/522 (page 12, Chapter 22-8, Oct 99) from Emirates Aviation College Library AUTOMATIC FLIGHT CONTROL SYSTEM (AFCS) The AFCS or also known as Auto Flight System (AFS) comprises of three independent systems. They are: A Yaw Damper System A dual Digital Flight Control System (DFCS) An Autothrottle (AT) System These 3 systems provide automatic aircraft stabilization about the roll, pitch and yaw axis. The AT and the DFCS systems control the aircraft with the selected Mode Control Panel (MCP) guidance from N1, heading, radio, IRS, FMC and ADC inputs. * Source: United Airlines Boeing 737-322/522 (page 10, Chapter 22-6, Oct 99) from Emirates Aviation College Library YAW-DAMPER SYSTEM The Yaw Damper System is composed of various components, such as: Yaw Damper Engage switch Warning Annunciator Yaw Damper Coupler Integrated Flight System Accessory Unit (IFSAU) Yaw Damper Engage solenoid Position Transducer and Transfer Valve on the rudder Power Control Unit (PCU) Yaw Damper position Indicator * Source: United Airlines Boeing 737-322/522 (page 12, Chapter 22-8, Oct 99) from Emirates Aviation College Library The Yaw Damper System smoothens the flow of air that causes the aircraft to yaw and thus causes it to Dutch Roll. The Dutch Roll is a phenomenon that occurs when a sidewind hits the aircraft which causes it to yaw. This yawing motion exposes one side of the wing to the wind more than the other side. The exposed side of the wing, gains more speed and more speed generates more lift on that particular side. The lift that was generated on the exposed side of the wing causes the aircraft to roll. Hence, the term Dutch Roll. The Yaw Damper System is a stability augmentation system that works full time, providing yaw axis damping for the complete flight, including both takeoff and landing. It is connected in series so that none of the rudder feedback is applied to the pedals. This now allows the Yaw Damper System to operate in an independent manner without interfering the initiated rudder commands by the flight crew. Both the yaw rate and the yaw direction are detected using a rate sensor located in a Yaw Damper Coupler. The rate sensor of the Yaw Damper is sensitive that the rudder is displaced at a proper time to dampen out any sidewinds hitting the aircraft before it can obviously affect the flight path of the aircraft. * Source: United Airlines Boeing 737-322/522 (page 12, Chapter 22-8, Oct 99) from Emirates Aviation College Library The Yaw Damper authority is only  ±3 ° deflection of the rudder. Its actuator gets no turning commands from the longitudinal axis AP. The Boeing 737-500 does not have a 3-axis AP. It only has 2 which is the pitch and roll axes only. In this aircraft, turn coordination is not available. A roll command which sends a cross feed signal in proportion to the bank angle due to aircraft banking, is sent to the Yaw Damper to prevent undesirable opposition to roll attitude. * Source: United Airlines Boeing 737-322/522 (page 12, Chapter 22-8, Oct 99) from Emirates Aviation College Library *5 Yaw Damper System Diagram Yaw Damper Operation The Yaw Damper is confined to 3 modes of operation. These modes are: synchronization mode, engaged mode interlocks and logic and engaged mode operation. Before the yaw axis engagement, the Yaw Damper coupler is in the synchronization mode for 2 seconds. The synchronization mode provides a null output to the electro-hydraulic transfer valve to prevent a sudden change in the Yaw Damper coupler. The mode is accomplished by returning the controlled signal back to the output amplifier. The output of the valve amplifier is reduced to null as the output of the integrator increases, causing the signal to be cancelled. Prior to the engagement of the Yaw Damper its actuator remains at the center which nulls the position feedback to the Yaw Dampers coupler. * Source: United Airlines Boeing 737-322/522 (page 14, Chapter 22-10, Oct 99) from Emirates Aviation College Library The system is activated by placing the Yaw Damper switch on the flight control module to ON. Both Bs of the flight control switch and system hydraulic power must be ON and available, respectively, in order to power the Yaw Damper actuator portion of the PCU. 2 seconds after the Yaw Damper is on, the YAW DAMPER light extinguishes. The Integrated Flight Systems Accessory Unit (IFSAU) contains the logic to engage the system, monitor the engagement and illuminate the amber-colored Yaw Damper disengaged annunciator light. If, for over 2 seconds, the AC power is lost, the YAW DAMPER light illuminates and the Yaw Damper switch returns to OFF position. The Yaw rate gyroscope which is located inside the Yaw Damper coupler senses the movements by the yaw axis. The coupler only responds to yaw movements that produce the Dutch Roll. Before the command signals are applied to the transfer valve which is located inside the Yaw Damper actuator, it is first filtered and amplified. The transfer valve then sends hydraulic pressure in order to deflect the rudder and reduce the aircrafts oscillation by the yaw axis. The output of the Yaw Damper actuator is summed with the rudder pedal manual input in order to move the main rudder Power Control Unit (PCU) that controls the rudder. Now as the actuator moves the linear variable displacement tranducer (LVDT) supplies the signal of the position feedback to nullify the signal coming from the yaw rate gyroscope. When the movement (by the yaw axis) stops, the feedback signal returns the rudder to the original position.

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Factors that Relate to Student Persistence in a Two-Year Vocational Program at a Community College Essay

Student persistence is one of the many factors that educators try to consider in the goal making students succeed in their education. Schools cater to the academic needs of students and it is the primary role of schools to provide education to children, but nowadays there have been a number of children that have low interest in finishing an education (Smith, 2002). Community colleges are institutions that cater to those children who want to consider taking up a vocational course instead of a bachelor’s degree after graduating from high school. In institutions such as these, there have been a number of studies that shows that students enrolled in this program identified different factors that contribute to their success in the program. The references gathered in this study revealed seven thematic findings with regard to persistence of students enrolled in a community college. These first thematic finding that studies reveal relevant to the success of student enrolled in community colleges is support, this support comes from peers, family members and as well as support from mentors. The second thematic finding is financial support, wherein students saw that being able to be granting a support financially to cater to their education were beneficial for them to continue education. The third thematic findings discusses the different self-variables that contribute to their success, these factors include the determination of a child to succeed and the fear of failing as one of the important factors that made them continue schooling. The fourth thematic finding will discuss all about a student’s background or life experiences that contribute to their persistence in school. The fifth will tackle all about how different techniques that students use in coping with school are beneficial to their stay at school. The sixth will look into how students say that behaving in a professionally during their stay at school became beneficial for their success at school. The seventh and the last will dwell into the different challenges that students face in school, such as stress, as a major barrier in their success at school. All of these will be given corresponding analysis, discussion and interpretation as regard to their contribution to the success of students enrolled in community colleges. Thematic Finding 1: Support It has been well known that one of the factors that contribute to student success is the support which students get from educators as well as from their peers. Studies reveal that all participants believed that the support that they have received from mentors, peers and family members played a big role towards their success in school. Support from people surrounding a student is notably a factor to consider in ensuring success of a child at school. The first support that would surely boost student confidence in continuing their education comes from their own mentors. This is said to be true because if mentors or educators are providing support to their students, they would be able to have a sense of encouragement, and this encouragement boosts their determination and therefore makes the student persist school (Hu & Ma, 2010). This kind of mentor-student support is viewed as a counseling support, wherein this kind of support is seen to be beneficial for student to persist school (Fralick, n.d). This type of support has been supported by mentors or educators as beneficial for student’s persistence in school. Aside from support that student’s get from educators it is also seen that peer support plays a big role in the persistence of students at school. The role that the peers of an individual play a big role is seen not only in the education of an individual but as well as in their own lives. This is why studies have shown how beneficial peer support plays in assisting a student not only in academics as well as personal matters (Quimbita, 1991). Peer support is also seen as a major factor that contribute to the persistence of a child at school because of the fact that students get to share the learning experience with their peers in other words, they experience shared learning (Holzer & Nightingale, 2009). It is here that peer support is indeed a major factor that would contribute to the persistence of a learner. Aside from mentors and peers, the one and most special source of support would come from family members. Different studies have revealed that the support coming from parents and other family members have been beneficial for student success (Holzer & Nightingale, 2009). It is in this kind of support that students would see that the people play a big part in their lives are supporting them, this kind of support provides encouragement, and this is what students take in order for them to succeed in school. The support that learners gain from these different types of groups evidently brings out one thing that is so important in one’s success at school, and that is encouragement that brings about determination. In analyzing the role of support in student persistence at school, it could be clearly seen that the one factor that students get from these support is encouragement. This encouragement from supports such as educators, peers and family members makes students determined to succeed academically because they know that people believe in them, this alone is big factor to consider in ensuring student persistence at school. Comments: Thematic Finding 2: Financial Support It is common that students that finish high school would not continue on going to universities and colleges, the primary reason for this is mainly on financial issues. This has been an issue especially among students that belong to poor families (Smith, 2002). Seeing financial issue as a barrier for children to acquire an education, different financial support is now granted to learners in order for them to acquire an education (Wan Ko, 2005). Different studies have revealed that majority of the total population of the participants saw financial aid or assistance as one factor that contributed to their success at school. Financial support or aid is said to be beneficial to student’s persistence at school because of the financial support it gives to cater to the different need of the students in the duration of their stay in the school (Wright, 2010). The various financial aids available primarily cater to the financial needs of individuals during their whole stay at school; this is especially beneficial for students that belong to poor families (Hu, 2001). Educators who avail such assistance are provided full financial support, from enrollment to different school related finances, they are provided with all of these things (Wright, 2010). Especially among students that belong to poor families, this kind of support is something that would really help them in their pursuit of obtaining an education (Scrivener, 2008). Financial support is evidently a need amongst students, because of the fact that as years pass, the price of education n also increases and the less fortunate are deprived of an education because of this (Li,, 2008). Such financial support is evidently needed in community colleges, because of the fact that most of the population of students enrolled in community colleges belongs to financially challenged families (Wright, 2010). Some financial aid or services not only provides financial assistance, most services also provide rewards for academically high performing students (Holzer & Nightingale, 2009). The additional perk from financial support makes students motivated to perform well academically (Holzer & Nightingale, 2009). Such rewards are not only provided for financial sake alone, this kind of reward also provides learners with an opportunity to perform well academically (Holzer & Nightingale, 2009). This shows that such financial assistance would not only provide the student with the chance to have an education, but as well as provide motivation to perform well in class. This kind of motivation brought about by financial support allows students to improve their grades, as well as provide enough motivation to bring about a sense of persistence in school. Studies and reports have revealed that indeed financial support plays a big role in student persistence in school. Financial support is seen to be one primary factor in student persistence in school because of how this service caters to the needs of students who are financially troubled and at the same time this service provides learners with an opportunity to do better at school and provide enough motivation for students to persist school

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Automobile Industry History Essay

You are here: Home †º World Industries †º Auto Industry †º Auto Industry | Automobile Industry | Car Industry Auto Industry | Automobile Industry | Car Industry. Automobile Industry History : In the year 1769, a French engineer by the name of Nicolas J. Cugnot invented the first automobile to run on roads. This automobile, in fact, was a self-powered, three-wheeled, military tractor that made the use of a steam engine. The range of the automobile, however, was very brief and at the most, it could only run at a stretch for fifteen minutes. In addition, these automobiles were not fit for the roads as the steam engines made them very heavy and large, and required ample starting time. Oliver Evans was the first to design a steam engine driven automobile in the U.S. A Scotsman, Robert Anderson, was the first to invent an electric carriage between 1832 and 1839. However, Thomas Davenport of the U.S.A. and Scotsman Robert Davidson were amongst the first to invent more applicable automobiles, making use of non-rechargeable electric batteries in 1842. Development of roads made travelling comfortable and as a result, the short ranged, electric battery driven automobiles were no more the best option for travelling over longer distances. The Automobile Industry finally came of age with Henry Ford in 1914 for the bulk production of cars. This lead to the development of the industry and it first begun in the assembly lines of his car factory. The several methods adopted by Ford, made the new invention (that is, the car) popular amongst the rich as well as the masses. According the History of Automobile Industry US, dominated the automobile markets around the globe with no notable competitors. However, after the end of the Second World War in 1945, the Automobile Industry of other technologically advanced nations such as Japan and certain European nations gained momentum and within a very short period, beginning in the early 1980s, the U.S Automobile Industry was flooded with foreign automobile companies, especially those of Japan and Germany. The current trends of the Global Automobile Industry reveal that in the developed countries the Automobile Industries are stagnating as a result of the drooping car markets, whereas the Automobile Industry in the developing nations, such as, India and Brazil, have been consistently registering higher growth rates every passing year for their flourishing domestic automobile markets. Those who are interested in gathering more information about the Automobile Industry, may browse through the following links :

Thursday, January 2, 2020

1. What Are the Strengths and Weaknesses of the Hilton...

CRITERIA OF CHOICE FOR PROCUREMENT METHODS Prof. Peter Hibberd Dr Ramdane Djebarni Centre For Research In The Built Environment University Of Glamorgan, Pontypridd, Mid Glamorgan CF37 1DL, UK 1. Introduction Over the past fifteen years much work has been done on attempting to define procurement paths and Masterman (1992) provides a good background to some of this work. As the traditional procurement route came under closer scrutiny other procurement routes developed and consequently means for selection were considered. In 1985 NEDO set out general requirements for the selection of a procurement path and others including Skitmore and Marsden in 1988, Bennett and Grice in 1990 and ELSIE computer system in 1990 sought to assist in†¦show more content†¦Respondents were also given the opportunity to add any further variables that they may see as important in their choice. 3. Methodology A questionnaire was prepared with the objective of obtaining information relating to procurement choice and satisfaction with procurement methods used, among other things. A total of 122 questionnaires were mailed to both clients and consultants of which 64 responses were received, which is a good answer rate (52%). The data was analysed statistically using SPSS for windows. 4. 4.1 Results Procurement Selection Criteria Respondents were asked to indicate on a scale from one to ten what they believe to be the degree of importance of procurement selection criteria mentioned earlier in this paper. The results depicted graphically in figure 1 shows the distribution of their answers. In order to find out how significant are these results statistically, χ2 test was conducted and its results are presented in table 2. Selection Criteria χ2 Accountability 52.34 Design input 06.78 Dissatisfaction with previous procurement 09.78 process Knowledge of process 15.50 4